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Workshop di lancio del progetto MISSION (4, 5 Settembre '15)

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Il Workshop del Progetto MISSION si svolgerà nei giorni 4 e 5 Settembre 2015 presso il Liceo Filzi di Rovereto (Trento).

Il workshop è riservato alla dozzina di insegnanti di tutta Italia che sono coinvolti con il ruolo di sperimentatori del progetto.

Durante il workshop oltre a venire mostrati per la prima volta i kit realizzati in questi mesi, verranno fornite le unità didattiche necessarie per la sperimentazione in classe e tutte le informazioni utili per le fasi successive di restituzione dei feed back. 


prossimo articolo

Discovered a New Carbon-Carbon Chemical Bond

A group of researchers from Hokkaido University has provided the first experimental evidence of the existence of a new type of chemical bond: the single-electron covalent bond, theorized by Linus Pauling in 1931 but never verified until now. Using derivatives of hexaarylethane (HPE), the scientists were able to stabilize this unusual bond between two carbon atoms and study it with spectroscopic techniques and X-ray diffraction. This discovery opens new perspectives in understanding bond chemistry and could lead to the development of new materials with innovative applications.

In the cover image: study of the sigma bond with X-ray diffraction. Credits: Yusuke Ishigaki

After nearly a year of review, on September 25, a study was published in Nature that has sparked a lot of discussion, especially among chemists. A group of researchers from Hokkaido University synthesized a molecule that experimentally demonstrated the existence of a new type of chemical bond, something that does not happen very often.