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“Let Nagasaki be the Last”, un nuovo appello per il disarmo nucleare

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Circa 200 persone (scienziati ed esperti nucleari) di una quarantina di Paesi hanno partecipato alla Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs che trae il nome dal villaggio in cui si tenne la prima riunione nel 1957, in seguito all'appello-manifesto di due anni prima lanciato da personalità eminenti come Albert Einstein e Bertrand Russell. Pubblichiamo il testo integrale del documento approvato.


“Let Nagasaki be the Last”, un nuovo appello per il disarmo nucleare

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We cannot archive Covid-19 yet

Coexistence with Covid-19 cannot yet be said to be stable, especially due to the great variability of SARS-CoV-2. For this reason, as the number of cases in Italy is increasing, it is necessary to limit the impact of infections by acting on two fronts, which are not alternatives to each other: reduce the share of people who have become partially susceptible and limit the likelihood of the emergence of new variants.

Image credits: Prasesh Shiwakoti (Lomash)/Unsplash

Several attempts have been made to archive Covid-19, trying to leave behind an experience worthy of the worst dystopian novel (about 770 million officially registered cases worldwide and an estimated 18 million deaths), but it seems that the anticipated "coexistence" with the family of viruses has not yet stabilized, and it will take several years to get there.