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Revisions for C’è davvero spazio per i numeri in un cervello analfabeta?

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10 September, 2018 - 16:13 by Amministratore
This is the published revision.
15 February, 2016 - 07:28 by Luca Carra

prossimo articolo

Forest management and climate change

We can not move through time, looking at future scenarios, but we can travel in space. Climate is changing, bringing severe repercussions on ecosystems and environments. In the case of forests, causes and consequences are tied with double strings: climate changes could affect forestry equilibrium and forestry impairment could enhance climate change, since they play an important role in carbon fixation.
In order to paint future scenes, scientists could assess forests' condition by taking some common trees (Pinus, Quercus and Eucalypt) as models and moving through