Il Nobel per la Fisica 2016 premia gli aspetti esotici - quantistici - della materia. Una bella trasmissione radiofonica - Radio Anch'io (RAI 1) - aiuta a districarsi nelle difficoltà di questo settore intervistando fra gli altri Guido Tonelli, Eugenio Coccia, Pietro Roversi, Giorgio Parisi. Con un dibattito molto interessante su cosa significa fare ricerca in Italia oggi, le difficoltà dei nostri ricercatori e le carenze della nostra governance.
I Nobel e noi: un dibattito su come ridare fiato alla ricerca in Italia
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The embarrassing Covid
There's a certain discomfort in having to talk about Covid-19 again, as demanded by the increase in cases that is also recorded in Italy. The reason, writes epidemiologist Stefania Salmaso, might perhaps be identified in the lack of a transparent process that allows understanding on what basis the health authority formulates recommendations, leading to reliance on pundits.
“An embarrassing Covid-19”: It could be the title of a short story by Calvino or a rhyme by Rodari, but it's what we're witnessing these days. The increasing frequency of SARS-CoV-2 infections in various areas of the world, including Italy, has forced mainstream media to address it again. However, it's often discussed with a sort of embarrassment and only for the sake of reporting. When discussing possible countermeasures, the discomfort becomes even more apparent.