Il Nobel per la Fisica 2016 premia gli aspetti esotici - quantistici - della materia. Una bella trasmissione radiofonica - Radio Anch'io (RAI 1) - aiuta a districarsi nelle difficoltà di questo settore intervistando fra gli altri Guido Tonelli, Eugenio Coccia, Pietro Roversi, Giorgio Parisi. Con un dibattito molto interessante su cosa significa fare ricerca in Italia oggi, le difficoltà dei nostri ricercatori e le carenze della nostra governance.
I Nobel e noi: un dibattito su come ridare fiato alla ricerca in Italia
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Approved the law for the restoration of European nature, but it's a half victory
On November 9, the European Council approved the Nature Restoration Law, a regulation for the restoration of ecosystems. A much-hoped-for victory that leaves a bitter taste: the adopted regulation emerges from more than a year of negotiations that have significantly weakened it in substance. The risk is that the objectives lose their concreteness in implementation.
Crediti foto Boris Smokrovic su Unsplash
On November 9, the European Council, the body defining the EU's policy directions, approved the Nature Restoration Law, one of the four main pillars of the European biodiversity strategy for 2030. A great achievement, yet leaving a bit of bitterness, considering the approved regulation was significantly weakened compared to the original.