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Revisions for Grazie, Obama!

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18 January, 2017 - 17:43 by Paolo Recalcati
This is the published revision.
18 January, 2017 - 16:24 by Luca Carra

prossimo articolo

How many B antigens should a good influenza vaccine have?

The vaccine against seasonal influenza is called trivalent, because it contains viruses representing three influenza strains: one A/H1N1, one A/H3N2, and one B. the single B-lineage antigen included is the one that is predicted to circulate in the related season. However, this means that some mismatch between the B antigen in the vaccine and the B antigen actually circulating may occur, this being a problem since cross-protection by immunization against the other lineage is expected to be low.