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Revisions for Alessandro Moretta (1954-2018)

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Revision Operations
11 March, 2018 - 14:18 by Luca Carra
This is the published revision.
10 March, 2018 - 23:58 by Luca Carra

prossimo articolo

Digital media standards for improved user experience

Standards are a vital component of communication. In 1984, while working for CSELT, the research center of what is today Telecom Italia, I submitted RACE IVICO (Integrated Video Codec), a project aimed at developing a European microelectronic technology for digital video in partnership with representatives of most relevant European industries. The project was approved but two years later was terminated because of the jarring differences with the European audio-visual policy of that time (digital audio-video planned to play a role in the first decade of the 21st century),