fbpx Revisions for Sul libro di Safran Foer "Possiamo salvare il mondo prima di cena" | Science in the net

Revisions for Sul libro di Safran Foer "Possiamo salvare il mondo prima di cena"

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Revision Operations
30 October, 2019 - 08:01 by redazione
This is the published revision.
28 October, 2019 - 15:24 by Luca Carra

prossimo articolo

Just one move to ward off flu. An Italian discovery

As every year, the winter season is synonymous of influenza viruses causing health problems and significant economic losses for public and private companies. One small, but not negligible, percentage will incur in complications and, potentially, there will also be an increase in mortality for new-borns and elderly patients, caused by the same virus. The vaccine against the seasonal influenza virus strain protects with an effectiveness estimated between 75 and 80 percent – therefore quite good – but not complete. Besides, the vaccination must be