fbpx Revisions for Giovanni Apolone: com'è nata la ricerca sulla retrodatazione della diffusione di SARS-CoV-2 in Italia | Science in the net

Revisions for Giovanni Apolone: com'è nata la ricerca sulla retrodatazione della diffusione di SARS-CoV-2 in Italia

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Revision Operations
15 February, 2023 - 10:17 by Sergio Cima
This is the published revision.
16 June, 2021 - 08:17 by Amministratore

prossimo articolo

Which future for ICT?

Presently, the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector represents 4.8% of the EU economy. According to the forecasts, the investments in this field will increase by about 25% under Horizon 2020 compared to FP7. This year, for instance, more than 1 billion Euro will be available. Research and development (R&D) in ICT technologies can produce concrete benefits for the citizens.