fbpx Revisions for Giovanni Apolone: com'è nata la ricerca sulla retrodatazione della diffusione di SARS-CoV-2 in Italia | Science in the net

Revisions for Giovanni Apolone: com'è nata la ricerca sulla retrodatazione della diffusione di SARS-CoV-2 in Italia

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Revision Operations
15 February, 2023 - 10:17 by Sergio Cima
This is the published revision.
16 June, 2021 - 08:17 by Amministratore

prossimo articolo

European and US research policies: which direction for 2014?

Some weeks ago, the European Union released the planned quotas of investment in research for 2014, the first year of the new-born Horizon 2020 program. At the same time, on January 13th the US Congress agreed on a budget, containing the American policy about investments in research. Thus, is it possible to predict in which directions EU and US research will go, by comparing these two draft budgets? Will these two policies merge or not?

Sources and methodology