fbpx Revisions for Vaccinazioni contro Covid-19: rinnovare il patto con i cittadini | Science in the net

Revisions for Vaccinazioni contro Covid-19: rinnovare il patto con i cittadini

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Revision Operations
15 February, 2023 - 10:17 by Sergio Cima
This is the published revision.
16 June, 2021 - 09:49 by Chiara Sabelli

prossimo articolo

Scientific misconduct in Europe: a confusing situation

Scientific misconduct is a real problem, although in many countries it is still underestimated. Fabrication or falsification of data, altered images, plagiarism and other bad practices can affect the scientific community, compromising the public's trust in scientific practice as a whole. Cases of scientific misconduct are increasing worldwide, at a rate much higher than that of global scientific production: according to a report published in