fbpx Revisions for Vaccinazioni contro Covid-19: rinnovare il patto con i cittadini | Science in the net

Revisions for Vaccinazioni contro Covid-19: rinnovare il patto con i cittadini

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Revision Operations
15 February, 2023 - 10:17 by Sergio Cima
This is the published revision.
16 June, 2021 - 09:49 by Chiara Sabelli

prossimo articolo

Cochrane and BMJ questioned Tamiflu and Relenza effectivenes

There is no good evidence about the effectiveness of Tamiflu (oseltamivir) and Relenza (zanamivir) for influenza prevention and treatment. This is the though claim made by Cochrane Collaboration and the British Medical Journal (BMJ), based on the extended systematic review they just published about the use of neuraminidase inhibitors against influenza.