Siamo alle prese con la quarta ondata e una variante ancora enigmatica - la Omicron - che rende questo inizio d'anno particolarmente problematico. Come commentare le nuove misure del Governo, a partire dall'obbligo vaccinale per gli ultracinquantenni? Che ne è del contact tracing? Come ripensare il sistema sanitario, ed emendare le sue debolezze, in vista di una lunga convivenza con la pandemia? Luca Carra ne ha parlato con l'epidemiologa Stefania Salmaso.
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Le voci della scienza - Podcast
Il punto sulla quarta ondata e la variante Omicron
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Why science cannot prove the existence of God
The demonstration of God's existence on scientific and mathematical grounds is a topic that, after captivating thinkers like Anselm and Gödel, reappears in the recent book by Bolloré and Bonnassies. However, the book makes a completely inadequate use of science and falls into the logical error common to all arguments in support of so-called "intelligent design."
In the image: detail from *The Creation of Adam* by Michelangelo. Credits: Wikimedia Commons. License: public domain
The demonstration of God's existence on rational grounds is a subject tackled by intellectual giants, from Anselm of Canterbury to Gödel, including Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, Leibniz, and Kant. However, as is well known, these arguments are not conclusive. It is not surprising, then, that this old problem, evidently poorly posed, periodically resurfaces.