Un recente studio pubblicato su Thorax trova una decisa correlazione fra esposizione professionale ai pesticidi e il rischio di ammalarsi di broncopneumopatia cronico ostruttiva (BPCO), fra le prime cause di morte nel mondo. La ricerca, condotta sul data base UK biobank da un consorzio internazionale coordinato dall'Imperial College di Londra, vede come prima firma Sara de Matteis, medico ed epidemiologa del lavoro, ora professore associato presso l'Università di Cagliari. L'abbiamo intervistata per fare il punto sulla ricerca e sul problematico rapporto fra pesticidi e salute.
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Quando i pesticidi tolgono il fiato
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Nature Restoration Law: We Approve the Law for the Future of European Nature
On the upcoming July 12, the European Parliament will decide the fate of one of the most ambitious initiatives in support of European nature, the Nature Restoration Law, a legislative proposal aimed at restoring European natural habitats. Now more than ever, it is crucial to defend this law and push for its approval.
In Italy, the Manifesto for the Nature Restoration Law has been published, an initiative that has so far received the support of over 150 associations, 4,000 scientists, dozens of large companies, and over one million signatures from individual citizens (here is the registration form).
Image credits: JD design - Unsplash
Making the protection of nature and the restoration of habitats a legal obligation: this is the purpose of the new European regulation proposal, the Nature Restoration Law. An ambitious proposal, but crucial for making the European Green Deal something concrete.