Un recente studio pubblicato su Thorax trova una decisa correlazione fra esposizione professionale ai pesticidi e il rischio di ammalarsi di broncopneumopatia cronico ostruttiva (BPCO), fra le prime cause di morte nel mondo. La ricerca, condotta sul data base UK biobank da un consorzio internazionale coordinato dall'Imperial College di Londra, vede come prima firma Sara de Matteis, medico ed epidemiologa del lavoro, ora professore associato presso l'Università di Cagliari. L'abbiamo intervistata per fare il punto sulla ricerca e sul problematico rapporto fra pesticidi e salute.
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Quando i pesticidi tolgono il fiato
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Responsibility for the damages caused by climate change and attribution science
Disputes and legal actions concerning climate change are on the rise, as are those aimed at obtaining compensation for damages caused by specific atmospheric events from parties believed to be responsible. This is a result of the findings of attribution science, a discipline aimed at clarifying the causal relationship between the occurrence of extreme weather events and climate change.
Image credits: Markus Spiske on Unsplash
In an article from ten years ago, addressing the issue of climate litigations, the legal disputes concerning climate change, the author noted that most of them were brought against governments to introduce limits or controls on greenhouse gas emitting activities or against companies involved in their production (especially oil multinationals) to comply with existing regulations.