La consulenza scientifica (science advice), ovvero scienziati e scienziate che consigliano i decisori politici: ecco il tema di questo episodio. Come funziona questa articolazione del rapporto tra scienza e politica? Quali sono le sue caratteristiche, difficoltà e opportunità? E quali sono gli impatti di due anni di pandemia? Esploriamo questi temi insieme ad Alessandro Allegra: ricercatore e professionista nell'ambito del science advice a livello europeo, nonché uno dei principali promotori dell’iniziativa Scienza in Parlamento. Un viaggio tra scienza e politica, tra riflessione critica e cultura pop, tra storia, attualità e futuro.
Scienza e politica pt. 1: La consulenza scientifica
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prossimo articolo
Why have neural networks won the Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry?
This year, Artificial Intelligence played a leading role in the Nobel Prizes for Physics and Chemistry. More specifically, it would be better to say machine learning and neural networks, thanks to whose development we now have systems ranging from image recognition to generative AI like Chat-GPT. In this article, Chiara Sabelli tells the story of the research that led physicist and biologist John J. Hopfield and computer scientist and neuroscientist Geoffrey Hinton to lay the foundations of current machine learning.
Image modified from the article "Biohybrid and Bioinspired Magnetic Microswimmers"
The 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to John J. Hopfield, an American physicist and biologist from Princeton University, and to Geoffrey Hinton, a British computer scientist and neuroscientist from the University of Toronto, for utilizing tools from statistical physics in the development of methods underlying today's powerful machine learning technologies.