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Top 100 culture and science festivals italy

Read time: 1 min

Top 100 Culture and Science Festivals Italy is the app devoted to the best Science and Culture festivals in Italy.

Top 100 Culture and Science Festivals Italy exist in other versions (not free) for cinema, music and theatre.

Previews of the app:

FoF 1FoF 2FoF 3FoF 4

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When excellence comes home

Two aspects remain etched firmly after a talk with Andrea Lunardi and Graziano Martello, two "made in Italy" brains that have decided to return to work in Italy after years of research abroad. First, go abroad tout court is not an essential step; the difference is choosing centres of excellence abroad. Second: a PhD in Italy is a great resource, not to be missed, as long as you choose a good group to work with.