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2011 Best Science Image

Titolo originale: 
Metabolimic Eye
22 February, 2012

The National Science Foundation, with the supportf Science Magazine, has announced the winners of the 2011 International Science & Engineering Visualization Challenge. The first place in the photography category was assigned to Brian William Jones.

Metabolimic Eye by Brian William Jones

The National Science Foundation, with the support of Science Magazine, has announced the
winners of the 2011 International Science & Engineering Visualization Challenge. The first place in the photography category was assigned to Brian William Jones, retinal neuroscientist and photographer. This image is a cross section of the retina of a  mus musculus – the most common mouse – showing the complexity of metabolism in the eye's tissue.To realize the picture, Jones assigned three colors for each organic molecules found in the mouse eyes: red for taurine, green for glutamine and blue for glutamate. This particular technique as been used to describe the pathological changes in retina. It will be applied for other metabolomics research areas, as oncology, gastroenterology and cardiology.

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Retinal cross section
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