The two indipendent experimental datas that reveals the presence of the new boson observed in Geneva.

1 - CMS
The datas in the images above are taken from the CERN
conference - july 4 2012 – and are respectively referred to the CMS and ATLAS
experiments issues. The audience of the
auditorium in Geneva were really excited by this vision, even Peter Higgs – special guest of the conference –
appeared very touched because of those graphs. They show the last results of
the LHC experiments that reveals, analytically and independently, the presence
of a new particle afterward the proton-proton collisions.
This is a confirmation of the 2011 datas, but with a
strong statistical confidence.
The peak in the first image represents the Higgs candidate for the CMS experiment: Mass 125.3 GeV; Confidence 4.9 sigma. But the greater clapping has been awarded to the second one, at the end of Fabiola Giannotti presentation. Is the Higgs boson candidate for the ATLAS experiment: Mass 126.5 GeV; Confidence 5 sigma.