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Revisions for Dalle neuroscienze alla "Matematica per il Pianeta"

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24 September, 2021 - 23:54 by Amministratore
This is the published revision.
24 September, 2021 - 23:51 by Amministratore

prossimo articolo

A tour through European scientific governance

European research is fundamental for guaranteeing future competitiveness to our economies, as acknowledged by all EU member States that committed to reach investments in research and development equal to 3% of GDP. Up to date, however, the funds allocated by the 28 Countries of the Union remain below the 2% of GDP and on average do not exceed 0.7% (Fig. 1). Some Nations, however, are reversing their route. In 2000, Germany and France presented similar balance sheets; ten years later, Germany remains the only country that constantly increased public funds.